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Instructions for authors

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  • Instructions for authors

Article 1 (Submission)

  • 1. Authors who wish to publish their article in Misulsahak yŏngu issued by Han’guk Misulsahakhoi (Art History Association of Korea, hereafter Association) should upload on the Association’s webhard the electronic copy of the manuscript prepared according to the style guide given below. The manuscript should include keywords, bibliography, Korean abstract, figures, and captions.

    Webhard address: www. webhard.co.kr
    ID: ahak2004
    Password: **** (please use the folder labeled as “upload only”)
  • 2. Authors should pay review fees of 100,000 Korean won prior to the review process of each volume, which begins on March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, and December 1st.

    Association’s bank account: Kiŏp Ŭnhaeng (Industrial Bank of Korea) 070-000326-01-011 (Account holder: Han’guk Misulsahakhoi/ Art History Association of Korea)
  • 3. Authors must check whether their manuscripts have been correctly submitted. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned.

Article 2 (Length of manuscript and number of figures)

  • 1. The length of the manuscript (not including English abstract and bibliography) should be no more than 24,000 characters in Korean (or 12000 words in English).
  • 2. The number of figures for an article should be no more than twenty. Each figure should include no more than a single artifact or artwork. The figures included in a table will be counted as well.
  • 3. In principle, a manuscript whose length exceeds 24,000 characters in Korean (or 12000 words in English) will not pass the preliminary review. However, an exception can be made if the editorial committee approves.

Article 3 (Review)

  • 1. After the author pays the review fees, the review process that consists of the three stages begins. The review process and the acceptance of the submitted manuscript is determined based on the regulation of the Association.
  • 2. The author remains anonymous during the review process, and the information of reviewers and review procedure is not revealed.
  • 3. The result of reviews will be informed to the author after the final stage of review process is completed.

Article 4 (Fees for publishing an article)

  • 1. After the author pays the review fees, the review process that consists of the three stages begins. The review process and the acceptance of the submitted manuscript is determined based on the regulation of the Association.
  • 2. If the accepted manuscript exceeds the maximum length, the editorial committee can ask for additional publishing fees to the author.
  • 3. The author of an article published in the Association’s journal receives three hard copies of the journal and the PDF version of the article.

Article 5 (Revision)

  • 1. After the author pays the review fees, the review process that consists of the three stages begins. The review process and the acceptance of the submitted manuscript is determined based on the regulation of the Association.
  • 2. When the manuscript is edited, the author can make revision once, which is limited to correction of errors. Changes in the length of the manuscript is not allowed.

Article 6 (Style guide)

  • 1. General principle
    • 1) The manuscript should be written using Hangul word processor or MS Word. The font should be Patang or Myŏngjo, 10 and the layout ‘A4 narrow.’
    • 2) In principle, Korean texts are accompanied by Chinese characters.
    • 3) The transliteration of foreign words and names follow the standard notation.
    • 4) Frequently used notations should be given as follows.
      - Title of an artwork: < >
      - Title of a book: 『 』
      - Title of an article: 「 」
  • 2. Manuscript title and author’s name
    Manuscript title and author’s name and affiliation are given at the beginning of the manuscript. Author’s name and affiliation should be given both in Korean and English. Except for idiomatic words, Romanization follows the standards listed in Clause 9.
  • 3. Table of contents
    • 1) Title of manuscript is followed by table of contents.
    • 2) Chapters and verses are given in the order of I, 1, 1), (1), 가/나/다.
  • 4. Citation
    • 1) If possible, translated text should be given. Original text can be given in footnote if necessary.
    • 2) If the cited text is lengthy, it should be given in a separate paragraph. In this case, the size of the letter should be one point smaller and the paragraph should be preceded and followed by a single blank row.
  • 5. Figure and table
    • 1) Figure(s) and table(s) should be provided in a separate word file.
    • 2) Figures including photographs, images, and drawings are given consecutive numbers, and each is indicated in the form of (도 1).
    • 3) Tables are given a separate set of numbers, and each is indicated in the form of (표 1).
    • 4) Figures and tables are indicated in the manuscript in the forms of (도 1) and (표 1).
    • 5) In the captions, item details are listed in the following order and format: (도 1), artist(s), <Title of artwork>, date or period, medium, size, current institution.
    • 6) Images for figures should be submitted in the form of electronic file. It is recommended that each file is 300 dpi, jpeg type, and 2-3 MB.
    • 7) When using photos of published literature such as exhibition catalog, the information about its source should be given at the end of a caption in the following form: (Author, Title of the Book, Figure number or page). When it is difficult to provide the source, the author should follow the editorial committee’s suggestion. Images included in a table will be counted as figures.
  • 6. Notes
    • 1) In principle, notes should be given in the form of footnote.
    • 2) Literature in Korean and other Asian languages
      • ① Book
        김리나,『한국고대불교조각사연구』(일조각, 1989), p. 130.
        김정기 외 3인,『한국미술의 미의식』, 정신문화문고 3 (고려원, 1984), pp. 59-66.
      • ② Translated work
        디트리히 제켈, 이주형 역,『불교미술』(예경, 2002), pp. 101-105.
      • ③ Journal article
        안휘준,「고려시대의 인물화」,『고고미술』180 (1988. 12), pp. 9-11.
      • ④ Repeated citation
        김리나, 앞의 책, p. 100.
        위의 책, p. 150.
        안휘준, 앞의 논문, p. 12.
        위의 논문, p. 20.
    • 3) Literature in Western languages
      • ① Book
        Michael Levey, Painting at a Court, (New York: New York University Press, 1971), p. 134.
      • ② Translated work
        Dietrich Seckel, The Art of Buddhism, trans. Ann E. Keep (New York: Crown, 1964), p. 208.
      • ③ Journal article
        Kathlyn Liscomb, “Li Bai, a Hero among Poets, in the Visual, Dramatic, and Literary Arts of China," Art Bulletin 81, no. 3 (1999), p. 355.
      • ④ Repeated citation
        Levey, Painting, p. 108.
        Levey, 앞의 책, p. 108.
        Liscomb, 앞의 논문, p. 357.
  • 7. Bibliography
    • 1) References should be listed in the order of primary sources, literatures in Korean, other Asian languages, Western languages. As for other Asian literature, they are listed according to Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters. No distinctions should be made between the types of publications such as journal article, book, and catalog.
    • 2) References in Korean and other Asian languages should be given both in Korean and English. English bibliography should follow Chicago Manual of Style (website: www.chicagomanualofstyle.org)
    • 3) Korean and other Asian literature
      • ① Book
        김리나,『한국고대불교조각사연구』, 일조각, 1989.
        김정기 외 3인,『한국미술의 미의식』정신문화문고 3, 고려원, 1984.
      • ② Translated work
        디트리히 제켈, 이주형 역,『불교미술』, 예경, 2002.
      • ③ Journal article
        안휘준,「고려시대의 인물화」,『고고미술』180, 1988. 12.
      • ④ Book (English)
        Pang, Pyŏngsŏn (Bang, Byungsun) 방병선. Junguk' dojasa yŏngu 중국도자사 연 구[Study on Chinese Ceramics]. Sŏul: Kyŏngin, 2012. Kuksa P’yŏnch’an Wiwŏnhoe. T’ongil Sila 통일신라 [Unified Sila]. Kyŏngi-do Kwach’ŏn-si: Kuksa P’yŏnch’an Wiwŏnhoe, 198.
      • ⑤ Journal article (English)
        An, Hwijun (Ahn, Hwi-joon) 안휘준.“Koguryŏ kobun pyŏkhwa ŭi hŭrŭm” 고구려 고분벽화의 흐름 [Historical changes in Koguryŏ tomb murals]. Kangjwa misulsa 10 (198)
    • 4) Western literature
      • ① Book
        Levey, Michael. Painting at a Court, New York: New York University Press, 1971.
      • ② Translated work
        Seckel, Dietrich. The Art of Buddhism, trans. Ann E. Keep, New York: Crown, 1964.
      • ③ Journal article
        Liscomb, Kathlyn. “Li Bai, a Hero among Poets, in the Visual, Dramatic, and Literary Arts of China." Art Bulletin 81, no. 3, 1999.
      • ④ Book (English)
        Baret, Timothy. The Woman Who Discovered Printing. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 208.
      • ⑤ Journal article (English)
        Sharf, Robert H. “On the Alure of Buddhist Relics.” Representations 6 (199): 75-9.
        Rhi, Juhyung. “Images, Relics, and Jewels: The Assimilation of Images in the Buddhist Relic Cult of Gandhāra: Or Vice Versa.” Artibus Asiae 65, no. 2 (205): 169–21.
  • 8. Others
    • 1) Artist or author’s name should not be given in style name.
    • 2) Footnote should be placed where a certain context or content ends in the sentence.
    • 3) When the figure number is given at the end of a sentence, period should come after the figure number.
      Example: … is the work (도 1).
    • 4) Chinese or Japanese proper nouns should be given according to one of the formats proposed in the following.
      • ① They are written in Chinese characters and their Korean transliterations are given only when each of them first appears.
      • ② Only Japanese proper nouns are accompanied by Korean transliterations.
      • ③ Only Chinese characters are given.
  • 9. Keywords
    • 1) Around five major concepts and keywords of the article are given at the end of the main text of the manuscript in the form of ‘Korean (English).’
    • 2) Romanization of Korean words follows the standards announced by the Ministry of Culture in 2000. Detailed information can be found at the website of the National Institute of the Korean Language.
    • 3) Romanization of Chinese follows the Pinyin system.
  • 10. Korean and English abstracts
    • 1) The submitted article should accompany a Korean abstract, which is no more than 1,300 ja.
    • 2) Based on the submitted Korean abstract, the editorial committee requests its English translation within 650 words.
    • 3) After the abstract is translated into English, it is revised by the author.

Article 8

Besides research article, other types of writings such as book review, report, and interview also follow the guidelines listed above.

Article 9

Matters not articulated in the guidelines follow the editorial committee’s decision.

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Editorial Office
Rm. 601. Harvard Officetel Bldg. 1794, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08786, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-2-884-0271    Fax: +82-2-884-0277    E-mail: ahak@korea-art.or.kr                

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